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Events for day: Thursday 24 November 2011     View week 47Thanksgiving Day << Previous day   Next day >>
9:45am - 1:00pm    Laptop Investors - canceled
Category : SIG     Fee : US$ 0
Laptop Investors SIG
SIG Leader: Jim Ward
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6:00pm    A+ - canceled
Category : SIG     Fee : US$ 0
A+ SIG will give members hands-on experience while studying for the A+ certification or just exploring what's indise your computer. Not only will we review subjects covered by the PC Upgrade SIG, we will delve more deeply into the inner workings of the PC and its operating systems. We'll even have lots of practice tests so you will be ready to take your certification tests when it's time.

Members (newbies as well as those more knowledgable) will get hands-on experience working with the entire PC, including motherboards, video cards, USB ports and other stuff found inside that funny looking box, tall or flat. Anyone who wants ...
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