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Welcome to the June edition of the HAL-PC monthly member eBulletin. If you wish to stop receiving these bulletins, send an email to e-bulletin-off@hal-pc.org. This month: Protect Your PC, Computer Literacy Initiative, Classes, Volunteer of the Month, Volunteer News, Board of Directors Election, June Magazine. |
There is a virus going around currently that appears to come from the HALNet staff. It has one of a variety of subject lines that refer to account suspension or requests that you confirm your account information. It may appear to come from mail.hal-pc.org, or webmaster@hal-pc.org. It may be 'signed' by the 'Hal-pc security department'. You may be asked to open an attachment or follow a link
Please note, as always, that no communication from HALNet is ever signed 'Hal-pc'. This is a sure indication that the email is fake. The virus reads the domain name (in our case, hal-pc.org), strips off the 'org' and assumes that the ISP is called 'hal-pc'.
If you receive any suspicious communication, contact the office at 713-993-3300 rather that assuming it is genuine.
HAL-PC has teamed with the Leisure Learning Unlimited Computer Center to promote computer literacy for all. Many people know their computers only from the Windows icons on their desktops. Although they may be able to create a letter in Word they have no real understanding of even the most basic of concepts of how the computer actually works. When something goes wrong, they are not only unable to correct the problems themselves, they are unable to communicate effectively with technical support.
Leisure Learning Unlimited's Computer Center offers a two-part Computer Orientation program that teaches new or frustrated computer users to manage a computer system, avoid problems, reduce dependence on others and communicate effectively with other computer literate people. HAL-PC members can take advantage of a 10% discount on these orientation classes, as well as other computer classes at LLU. See the HAL-PC/LLU web site for more details.
Think you're computer literate already? Why not take this 6-question sample quiz! You may find out there is more to computer literacy than you thought!
June Classes - HAL-PC Headquarters
Map To Facility
Starting June 8:
Windows XP Intermediate
Instructor: Bear Jones
Starting June 10:
Microsoft Word Level 1
Instructor: Mel Babb
Starting June 13:
Microsoft Outlook
Instructor: Mel Babb
Starting June 15
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
June 18 (all day)
Microsoft Excel Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting June 20
Microsoft Word Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting June 24
Microsoft Word Level 2
Instructor: Mel Babb
June 25 (all day)
Microsoft Excel Level 2
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
May 22 (1 day class)
MS PowerPoint Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting June 27
Microsoft Word Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting June 28
Microsoft Excel Level 1
Instructor: Mel Babb
Instructor: Marie Jones
Check the HAL-PC home page for information on presentations for regularly scheduled SIGs.
Our HAL-PC club motto is "Members Helping Members". However, there are volunteers who personify other outstanding qualities that go well beyond "Members Helping Members". The words dedication, committment, and support come to mind when our volunteers are spoken of. HAL-PC Volunteer Jim Foote, member since 1987, personifies decication, committment and support weekly by giving of his time and expertise as tech support and monthly as the leader of the New Member Orientation SIG. For this, he is our June Volunteer of the Month.
HAL-PC needs you! Your HAL-PC dues are kept low in part through the efforts of our wonderful volunteers. If you have just a couple of free hours a month, we can use you. HAL volunteers not only offer technical support! We need volunteers to prepare renewal notices and new member letters for mailing by stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps and mailing labels. If you can do a little clerical work for your club, please call Mika at 713-341-8102.
The annual election of HAL-PC's Board of Directors will be held in June. All HAL-PC members whose memberships were current as of MAY 31 are eligible to vote. Your voting key was printed on the mailing label of the June issue of the HAL-PC magazine. DO NOT DISCARD. Online voting will be held until June 18. Onsite voting at HAL-PC Headquarters will be on June 18 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Full details of the electoral process are available on the HAL website. Go here to vote online |
Look for your monthly online edition of the HAL-PC Magazine featuring an informative article by Bill Stewart of Leisure Learning Unlimited on (Re)defining Computer Literacy, Beverly Rosenbaum's tour through setting up HALNet ADSL, hot products from Apple, reviews, SIG notes and more! |
HAL-PC Monthly eBulletin ©2005 Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
All rights reserved |