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Welcome to the May edition of the HAL-PC monthly member eBulletin. If you wish to stop receiving these bulletins, send an email to e-bulletin-off@hal-pc.org. This month: Protect Your PC, Events, Member Discount, Classes, Volunteer of the Year, Board of Directors Election, May Magazine. |
Did you know that if you have the Postini virus/spam premium filtering option on your HALNet account, you can also filter incoming mail on all your extra HALNet email addresses? It's easy! Just log into your Postini filter management page at http://www.hal-pc.org/postini.html. Click on the 'Account Settings' link in the upper right corner. Then click on the link for 'Add an Alternate Address'. You can add all your HALNet email addresses! Note: The same settings apply to all addresses, and all mail is quarantined in the same box.
TREND MICRO OFFERS FLASH TOUR OF MALWARE TERMS Confused by all the news and warnings about malware? Don't know a virus from a trojan? And what exactly is 'phishing' anyway? TrendMicro, a company that specializes in antivirus software, has published an online flash presentation that outlines the characteristics of various types of malware. View it at the TrendMicro website. |
Friday, May 6 -- 7:00 - 9:00 pm: Rick Archibald presents Linux for Cowards
Saturday, May 7 -- 1:00 - 3:30 pm: Robert DuVernay presents DVD Burning for Everyone
The Missing Solution is now offering a 20% discount on all its computer services to HAL-PC members. Just mention that you saw the discount advertised on the website. Check out the Special Offers Page for more discounts!
April Classes - HAL-PC Headquarters
Map To Facility
Starting May 4:
Word, Level II
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting May 7:
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
Starting May 9:
Microsoft Project II
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
Starting May 11
Basic Computer Use
Instructor: Rick Archibald
Starting May 12
Basic Computer Use
Instructor: Rick Archibald
Starting May 13
MS Word Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting May 16
MS Project Level 2
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
Starting May 18
Windows XP Intermediate
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
May 22 (1 day class)
MS PowerPoint Level 1
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
Starting May 24
Instructor: Marie Jones
Starting May 27
MS Word Level 2
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
May 28 (1 day class)
MS Excel Level 2
Instructor: Fernando Bobbio
April Classes - West Houston
Map to Facility
Starting May 17:
MS Excel Level 1
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
MS PowerPoint Level 1
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
Starting May 24:
Windows XP Intermediate
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
MS Word Level 1
Instructor: Margaret Fuller
Check the HAL-PC home page for information on presentations for regularly scheduled SIGs.
THE POWER OF ONE 'One' is the most compelling number. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Our HAL-PC membership cards number into the 102k, but they began with one. Our Members Helping Members philosophy begins with one person sharing knowledge with another. So, it is only fitting that we honor one member who has truly made a difference. We honor George Roy as HAL-PC Volunteer of the year for 2004. Mr. Roy gives of his time and knowledge daily. With his support and the support of others, the Clear Lake Senior Learning Center is a great outlet for computer learning. HAL-PC appreciates his dedication. George received his honor at the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.
The annual election of HAL-PC's Board of Directors will be held in June. All HAL-PC members whose memberships were current as of MAY 31 will be eligible to vote. Your voting key will be printed on the mailing label of the June issue of the HAL-PC magazine. DO NOT DISCARD. Online voting will be held from June 1 - June 18. Onsite voting at HAL-PC Headquarters will be on June 18 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Full details of the electoral process are available on the HAL website. |
Look for your monthly online edition of the HAL-PC Magazine featuring Charles Horowitz 'On the Road Again', reviews of Kidview web access controller, Personal Cinema 5.1 headset and more! |
HAL-PC Monthly eBulletin ©2005 Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
All rights reserved |