HAL-PC Balance Sheet -- February 1998 (unaudited)

Apr 1, 1998                          HAL-PC                           Page 1    
 4:26 am                         BALANCE SHEET                                  
                                  Feb/98        Feb/97       Inc/     %    
                               ============  ============  =====Var==== ==Var== 
  CURRENT ASSETS:                                                               
    Petty cash                       $1,071          $219          $852  389.3% 
    Cash in bank                    440,007       121,955       318,052  260.8% 
    Clearing                            470           470             0    0.0% 
    United States Treasury Bills    387,369       241,581       145,788   60.3% 
    Accounts receivable              43,034        43,944          -910   -2.1% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS            871,952       408,169       463,783  113.6% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
  PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT:                                                       
    Machinery & equipment                                                       
      Machinery & equipment           1,069         1,069             0    0.0% 
      Machinery & equipment         207,205       207,205             0    0.0% 
      Machinery & equipment-Clr Lake      0         2,147        -2,147 -100.0% 
      Acc depr - Machinery & equip.                                             
                                   -202,524      -193,818        -8,706   -4.5% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL Machinery & equipment       5,750        16,603       -10,853  -65.4% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    Furniture and fixtures                                                      
      Furniture and fixtures         32,633        32,633             0    0.0% 
      Acc depr - Furniture & fixt.  -32,169       -31,773          -396   -1.2% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL Furniture & fixtures          464           860          -396  -46.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    Leasehold improvements                                                      
      Leasehold improvements        135,721        10,287       125,434 1219.4% 
      Acc amort. - Leasehold impr.  -19,589       -10,287        -9,302  -90.4% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL Leasehold improvements    116,133             0       116,133         
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT    122,347        17,464       104,883  600.6% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
  OTHER ASSETS:                                                                 
      Geo. R. Brown special deposits      0         4,630        -4,630 -100.0% 
      HBS Interests, Inc. - Rent        350         3,608        -3,258  -90.3% 
      4543 P. O., Inc. - Security     6,763         6,763             0    0.0% 
      Deposits - Gulf Presort           500           500             0    0.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
                          FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY                          
Apr 1, 1998                          HAL-PC                           Page 2    
 4:26 am                         BALANCE SHEET                                  
                                  Feb/98        Feb/97       Inc/     %    
                               ============  ============  =====Var==== ==Var== 
    TOTAL Deposits                    7,613        15,501        -7,888  -50.9% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    Prepaid expenses                                                            
      Prepaid advertising expense     3,769        10,015        -6,246  -62.4% 
      Prepaid rent - Geo. R. Brown    8,800         6,000         2,800   46.7% 
      Prepaid rent - 4543 Post Oak        0        80,315       -80,315 -100.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL Prepaid expenses           12,569        96,330       -83,761  -87.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL OTHER ASSETS               20,182       111,831       -91,649  -82.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
      TOTAL ASSETS               $1,014,480      $537,464      $477,016   88.8% 
                               ============  ============  ============         
  CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                          
    Accounts payable                $26,770       $17,668        $9,102   51.5% 
    SUI payable                          20            43           -22  -52.2% 
    Sales tax payable                10,232          -636        10,869 1707.8% 
    Deferred revenue--Membership    255,021       186,644        68,378   36.6% 
    Deferred revenue-Membership CL    6,504             0         6,504         
    Deferred revenue--Presentation   28,932        24,582         4,350   17.7% 
    Deferred revenue--Vendor fees     3,385         2,980           405   13.6% 
    Deferred revenue-Internet fees  225,501        97,041       128,460  132.4% 
    Deferred monthly fees - Exempt    3,770             0         3,770         
    Deferred monthly fees - CL        1,160             0         1,160         
    Unfunded scholarships             1,000         1,000             0    0.0% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES       562,295       329,321       232,975   70.7% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
      TOTAL LIABILITIES             562,295       329,321       232,975   70.7% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
                                  FUND BALANCE                                  
    Earnings from prior years       182,757       160,208        22,549   14.1% 
    Current revenue over (under) expense                                        
                                    269,428        47,935       221,493  462.1% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
    TOTAL FUND BALANCE              452,185       208,143       244,042  117.2% 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------         
      TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE                                          
                                 $1,014,480      $537,464      $477,016   88.8% 
                               ============  ============  ============         
                          FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY                          

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