HAL-PC Treasurer's Report -- May 1997 (unaudited)

PERIOD: May 31, 1997	PREPARED: June 24, 1997 
PREPARED BY: Lou Ann Coy	REVIEWED/APPROVED BY Mike Novominsky, Treasurer

This TREASURER'S REPORT with the Balance Sheet & Statement of Revenues and Expenses 
is posted monthly on the BBS in the HAL Politics Section in a message from the
treasurer attached in uncompressed format at the time that it's submitted for
inclusion in the monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meeting packet.  The entire report
with all attachments is posted on the BBS in the HAL BOD Section in text format.
The report is included in the Agenda sent to the BOD and the full report with all
statements is included in the Minutes of the Meetings of the Board of Directors
maintained in the HAL-PC Offices.
   1.  Revenue deferrals to be calculated monthly, now affecting (ouch!) both annual dues 
       and Internet monthly fees.
   2.  In spite of revenue deferrals, YTD revenues top the one million mark!!
   3.  Internet monthly/setup fees constitute 52.7% of total YTD revenues.
   4.  Cash increasing, T-Bills purchases halted to build up cash reserve.
   5.  Dues $89,400 behind budget, Internet setup fees $23,000 behind budget.
   6.  Accounts Receivable for Caere 4/95 $1500 real old. Should we write off?
   7.  Should revise By-Laws to have Treasurer's Report at General Meeting in August.
     All references to budget are to final budget. THE BUDGET: $1,076,773 Revenues, 
       $715,271 Expenses, $2,000 Scholarship, $322,702 Cap. Addns.
       Non-Internet Loss $-20,000, Internet Profit $56,800, Total Profit $36,800
BALANCE SHEET (Comparative, Year to Year) -------------------------------------------
   1.  Cash - Up $77,687 from a year ago & up $33,843 from last month.
   2.  Fund Balance - Down $8,670 from a year ago & up $27,412 from last month.
   3.  Fixed Assets - Budgeted equipment purchases of $10,608 were made this month 
       to bring total purchases YTD to $458,933.
STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES (YTD vs. Annual Budget) --------------------------
   1.  Gain this month: $27,412 ($6,505 GAIN non internet, $20,907 GAIN internet)
       YTD: $8,670 LOSS ($43,892 LOSS non internet, $35,221 GAIN internet)
   2.  Presentation Fees, Gen. Mtg. - Annual budget $48,000, vs. $70,865 YTD.
   3.  Annual Dues - ($33,288) this month vs. annual Budget of $469,567 vs. $380,167 YTD.
       This year dues:  $30,416-Jun 96, $32,976-Jul 96, $35,103-Aug 96, $39,493-Sep 96,
       $37,095-Oct 96,  $31,506-Nov 96 [-$6,155]-Nov Def Adj., $28,715-Dec 96.
       $54,342-Jan 97,  $43,301-Feb 97, $41,793-Mar 97, $34,776-Apr 97, [-$57,243]-Def.
       Adj., $33,288-May 97
       YE 5-31-96 dues: $22,460-Jun 95, $21,687-Jul 95, $28,583-Aug 95, $41,326-Sep 95,
       $27,111-Oct 95,  $32,719-Nov 95 [-$6,471]-Nov Def Adj, $27,665-Dec 95,
       $36,587-Jan 96,  $40,133-Feb 96, $28,390-March 96,
       $26,765-Apr 96,  $27,780-May 96, [-$32,445]-May 96 Def. Adj.
CHECK REGISTER (All May 1997 Checks, Sorted by Check Number,)---
   1.  Last check reported prior month:  6949
   2.  Checks reported this month, w/missing numbers 6953 and 6954:
	NationsBank - 1074 through 1127; 6950 through 6970
   3.  Checks Voided - 1074, 1090, 1092, 1097, 1106, 1120, 1123, 6955, 6961, 6963 and 6967
INVOICE DISTRIBUTION LIST (All Current Invoices, Showing Account & Department Charged. -
   Everything paid through A/P is included.  report doesn't generate a total, but when 
   added up, matches the total "Original Balance" of the accounts payable detail report.)
       Gain this month: $20,907 vs YTD gain of $35,221 vs. annual budget of $56,800.
       Equipment purchases -month $6,217 -YTD $384,701 vs annual budget of $227,000.
       Monthly fee revenue of $401,796 YTD vs. annual budget of $330,000 
       Setup fees of $169,140 YTD vs. annual budget of $192,000.
BUDGETED EQUIPMENT PURCHASES - See next page-----------------------------------------
DEPARTMENT NUMBER LISTING - Included in this report for reference purposes - 
   Use in conjunction with reading the INVOICE DISTRIBUTION LIST.
   10  General & Adm. 20  Bulletin bd.  32  Member Services  40  User Journal
   11  Headquarters   21  InterNet      33  Scholarship      41  Software Lib. 
   12  Board of Dir.  22  Sig coord.    34  Special events   43  Press Relations
   13  Treasurer      30  General meet. 35  Texas Tech. Fair 50  Membership
   14  Recording Sec. 31  Exh. sales    52  Election         60  Daytime classes
DEPOSIT ACCTS.  Nations oper - $150,065; Pru MM $189,299, Pru T-Bills 2@ $50,000, 
     In Dec (12th) the first of the T-bills reached maturity, now monthly through July
   A/R STATUS 5-31 Balance $21,857 (Ask Me 4/97 $1,500, AskSam 10/97 $1,249, Caere 4/95
     $1,500, ComputerExpo 12/96 $25, Corel 4/97 $2,917, Diskettes 2/97 $780, Inter-Tel
     5/97 $2,917, Lee 6/97 $40, Microtek 6/97 $1,458, Telescan 5/97 $1,667, TI 3/97 $991,
     TRI 3/97 $3,333, U of H 5/97 $355, Wall 6/97 $1,667, Xerox 3/97 $1,458)
     In June, Corel and Xerox paid.
REFERENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Phones:  HAL-PC office (713)993-3300, fax (713)623-4251. 
      Lou Ann Coy (713)697-7241, pgr (281)262-9173, louann@hal-pc.org
      Mike Novominsky (H) (713)771-2772 (W) (713)621-3022, mikejn@halpc.org,
           fax (713)621-1099
      Ray Shasteen (H/W) (713)465-7084
      CPA-Phil Salchli, (281) 496-3020
      Mel Babb (H) (713)952-3374 (W) (713)785-6550
      Ray Morris (281)447-1616
      Milt Eberhardt (281)376-3975
      Larry Dillard pgr (713)909-6734
      Pru a/c 021-969508, John Hinman (713)650-4702 e-mail john541@aol.com
      Nations a/c 60782-4231-3, C Hunter (713)247-6547, Lockbox - K Wilder (214)508-7262
      Insurance - Deborah Foster (713)984-1988, fax (713)984-2295
      Jack Safley (713)666-2122
      State Tax Kim Bridges, (713)868-9112


The purpose of this schedule is to compare NEW BUDGETED EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 
to actual expenditures. Note that the Total Actual and Total Budget amounts 
for internet and total agree to the amount shown on the income statement for 
Budgeted equipment purchases under Other Income & Expense.

Ck    Date  Payee       For                Actual      Budgeted  Area  Comments
----   -----  ---------- ----------------- ---------  ---------- -----  -------
           Budget                                     227,000.00 
6242   06-04  NATIONSB   Tape Backup        1,338.00
6257   06-07  U.S.       Stolen Modem         262.50
6268   06-20  Joel Rubin Ethernet Cards       207.00
6288   06-25  U.S. Robo  30 Courier to 180  7,920.00
6276   06-30  OMNI-TEQ   486 cooling fan        5.00
6322   06-30  CAPELLA    Portmaster #7      2,951.00
6317   07-03  BASS       30 Courier to 210 12,700.00
6321   07-11  BOYD       swap to E.D.O. Ram    32.00
6329   07-16  CABLE &    Cables                95.00
6346   07-17  PC         Coax Hub +         1,844.00
6363   07-30  INFOMAX    Server cases         350.00
6384   07-31  CAPELLA    Portmaster #8      2,911.00
6389   08-08  HUPP       used ISDN B/U Box    700.00
6400   08-22  CAPELLA    30 Courier to 240 10,178.00
6401   08-22  DASKO      Cables               210.00
6405   08-22  OMNI-TEQ   2 Pent, Mon, Ram   8,449.00
6418   08-29  OMNI-TEQ   16 meg Ram           220.00
6440   08-31  OMNI-TEQ   SCSI 8x CD           320.00
6434   09-06  NATIONSB   Cabinet Rack       2,750.00
6457   09-13  TEXASNET   Transformers       1,023.60
6470   09-20  CAPELLA    Exp Server         2,904.00
6474   09-27  LEIMER     Network card         106.09
6480   09-30  CAPELLA    32 Couriers to 270 7,761.00
6490   09-30  OMNI-TEQ   Video Card           345.00
6494   09-30  TEXASNET   Modem Racks        8,506.40
6507   09-30  ELECTORT   BNC"T" 2 Fem          95.55
6515   09-30  OMNITEQ    Parts                308.00
6499   10-07  RESOURCE   Tape drive         1,626.00
6502   10-10  TEXASNET   2 Portmasters      4,300.00
6514   10-12  MOORE      2 SCSI Hard Drives 1,708.00
6535   10-25  MOORE      Hardware, Cables,    142.06
6536   10-31  PI         6 ft molded          232.22
6583   11-14  INSYNC     ADC Kentrox CSU    3,350.00
6622   12-04  CABLE      Cables/connectors  1,775.00
6636   12-31  STERLING                     13,525.00
6657   12-31  OMNI-TEQ   News Array/Server  5,885.00
6674   12-31  CAPELLA    30 Courier         7,273.00
6697   12-31  CAPELLA    2 Courier I-modem    645.00
6700   01-17  CURRENT    3" conduit         1,057.46
6708   01-17  MOORE      2 4-Gig            2,013.45
6714   01-21  STERLING   Start Up of EPE    8,876.00
101    02-06  ASCEND     Digital System   209,162.56
6780   02-14  DILLARD    UPS Switch         1,367.50
6786   02-14  CURRENT    ®" conduit           826.38
6816   02-28  STERLING   Grounding System   1,177.49
6874   03-17  LEGGETT    BayNetworks        2,599.00
6891   03-18  STERLING   Install Ground Bar 2,400.00
6892   03-19  DILLARD    Baystack 301 swtch 2,451.00
6904   03-24  MOORE      Dlink Combo Lan Crds 120.00
       03-24             Modem Sales         (496.29)
1008   03-31  CABLE &    Micro 10base Trnscvr 173.00
1020   03-31  ASCEND     P25-PX BRI (U) Systm 739.58
1053   04-28  OMNI-TEQ  Diamond Stealth 64/4M 195.00
6930   04-01  AMERICAN   ® Generator       12,175.00
1031   04-28  ASCEND     Pipeline 75 BRI    4,874.40
1053   04-28  OMNI-TEQ   4 SCSIs, Pentiums 12,342.00
1034   04-28  CAPELLA    Courier I-modem      335.00
1070   04-30  OMNI-TEQ   Dialup testing     4,434.00
1050   04-28  MOORE      Controller card      303.00
1060   04-30  CABLE &    8p mod plugs          84.80
                         Modem sales       (3,680.00)
1076   05-17  LEGGETT    Bay Networks       3,055.00
1082   05-19  ASCEND     Pipeline 75 BRI    1,223.70
1099   05-20  OMNI-TEQ   spares             2,894.00
6956   05-10  EMERGING   4 Port T1          2,163.00
6962   05-10  ONE 800    Controller         1,643.24
                         Modem sales       (5,719.54)
1139   06-10  OMNI-TEQ   Giga-Byte; Jaz       958.00
                                           ---------  ----------
     TOTAL FOR INTERNET                   384,701.15  227,000.00

Budget                                                 95,702.00 
6286   06-25  BASS       4 Pentium cmptrs   5,548.00              60 Daytime
6345   07-17  OMNI-TEQ   Pentium 586DX133   2,374.00              10 G&A
6319   07-05  BASS       4 USROBOTICS-28.8    580.00              22 SIGs
6315   07-03  OMNI-TEQ   MONITOR/850HD/486  1,324.00              22 SIGs
6435   08-31  OMNI-TEQ   2 Mon, 2 surges      730.00              60 Daytime
6460   09-14  BASS       Computer &         2,396.50              30 Gen. Mtg.
6495   10-03  MADEIRA    UPS Systems        1,028.19              10 G & A
6514   10-12  MOORE      Barracuda          2,820.00              20 BBS
6521   10-14  NATIONSB   BBS Software       2,181.00              20 BBS
6522   10-14  OMNI-TEQ   BBS Hardware       4,930.00              20 BBS
6587   11-14  MOORE      SIG Room "D"         835.00              22 SIGs
6632   12-08  MOORE      5 Seagate 4.3GB    6,502.07              20 BBS
6671   01-08  LEGGETT    Telephones         3,900.00              10 G&A
6702   01-17  FINGER     Chairs             1,950.00              22 SIGs
6703   01-17  SURPLUS    50% office furn    3,500.00              10 G&A
6813   01-31  OMNI-TEQ   Upgrade            1,545.00              60 Daytime
6749   02-01  SURPLUS    balance office fur 4,004.80              10 G&A
6776   02-10  BASS       ADI Monitors       1,200.00              22 SIGs
6814   02-27  MICRO CO   Monitor repairs      219.75              22 SIGs
6839   02-28  FINGER     Chairs             1,810.00              22 SIGs
6860   02-28  OMNI-TEQ   2 Pentiums         2,198.00              60 Daytime
6894   03-22  DMI        Flooring           9,850.00              10 G&A
6908   03-24  OMNI-TEQ   Parts for Inet mchns 860.00              22 SIGs
6916   03-27  OMNI-TEQ   Upgrades           3,864.00              60 Daytime
       03-31             Clear Lake assets  2,147.36              70 Clear Lake
1063   04-30  PC MAX     AMD K5-133 CPU Chip  969.00              70 Clear Lake
1103   05-24  BASS       AMD K5-166 CPU       124.50              30 GM
1104   05-24  BOYD       Matrox Mil. 4MB VGA  225.00              30 GM
       05-17  PETTY CASH Computer Network     149.95              70 Clear Lake
1094   05-19  OMNI-TEQ N 2 Pentium 133MHZ     850.00              60 Daytime
1105   05-24  OMNI-TEQ N Western Digital 1.6G 625.00              60 Daytime
1107   05-24  OMNI-TEQ N 2 Intel Pent         755.00              60 Daytime
1126   05-29  OMNI-TEQ N Pentium 133M         565.00              20 BBS
1103   05-24  BASS       Matrox Mil. 4MB VGA (225.00)             30 Gen Mtg.
1141   06-10  PC MAX     2 AMD K5-133       1,671.00              70 Clear Lake
                                           ----------  ----------
     TOTAL NON-INTERNET                    74,232.12   95,702.00

                                          ----------  ----------
GRAND TOTAL                               458,933.27  322,702.00

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