HAL-PC Board of Directors
Unapproved minutes of the April 22, 2010 regular Board of Directors Meeting.
Any corrections, changes, additions to these minutes will be provided following approval of the minutes by the Board.
MINUTES OF April 22, 2010
Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
4543 Post Oak Place
Houston, Texas 77027
John Furby, President
Rick Archibald, First Vice President (SIGs)
Sibley Cooley, Vice President Programs
Robert Spotswood, Vice President Communications
Annette Story, Recording Secretary
(vacant) Membership Secretary
(vacant) Treasurer
Chris Read, Executive Committee
Jim Ward, Executive Committee
Greg Brewer, Director
Kelly Brown, Director
T. Norman Crook, Director (absent)
Meredith Foster, Director
Robert Gunn, Director
Kojo Idrissa, Director (absent)
Michael J. Lempel, Director
Jerald Linsley, Director
Mary Ann Mitscherling, Director (absent)
John Molson, Director (absent)
Bernard Silverman, Director
Jim Story, Director
3 HAL-PC members
I.The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM, John Furby presiding.
II.Motion to accept the minutes as posted [on website for the regular meeting held on March 25, 2010] was made by Jim Story and seconded. The motion carried
President, John Furby
- John Furby stated that the Greater Houston Community Foundation, which he visited, is not for our type of organization.
- John explained that Lucille Ewell, Registrar, and others are looking at accounts noted with "volunteer status" to verify and bring it up to date. This also includes addressing benefits at HAL-PC Headquarters like a free account with 8 hours of service a month. The HAL-PC Clear Lake Satellite Organization has its own requirements and benefits for Volunteers.
- HAL-PC is looking at all the 110 telephone numbers attributed to the telephone system.
- Because of our financial situation a financial report will be given shortly with a presentation by Annette Story, Recording Secretary, and Lucille and a walk through of HAL-s Daily Cash Forecast Report by Rick Archibald, 1st VP.
- The President stated that over the last few days, there has been a lot of DSL problems. In summary, before a scheduled maintenance at 9:00 p.m., the server to be serviced failed at around 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. We went to the backup server which we found out later could do only 40% of usage so usage backed up and at that time we found we had a router problem. We fixed the router and resolved the DSL problem. All users were off the system. Things slowed as DSL and dial up users signed on. After 2 hours, things improved. A new help procedure was developed to improve technical notification. Meredith Foster, Webmaster, updated postings during the problems.
- Director Norman Crook's resignation from the Board of Directors will be covered under New Business.
- After commenting that the Board should have received via email the Agenda and the minutes of the last meeting. John called upon Annette to begin the Financial Presentation. Annette stated that some specific financial reports were also emailed and the goal is to present to the Board what the status is concerning HAL-PC's dispute about bill payments with our DSL2 account with AT&T.
- Annette stated that Director Chris Read has been our interface with AT&T including analyzing AT&T's payment spreadsheet. He filed a disputed claim with AT&T on that account which was denied.
- Annette and Lucille presented and explained updated reports originally emailed to the Board. Sue Ostlund developed and data entered the spreadsheet reports with help from Lucille. These reports are "Payment Summary," "Late Charges" (which included additional penalties), "Check History," "Total Amt Due & Payment Comparison Chart," "Cumulative Effect of Late Charges Chart," and the final "DSL Detail Sheet." At this point in time, it doesn't look like HAL-PC has a claim.
- Rick Archibald talked about the "Daily Cash Forecast," a spreadsheet orginally designed by ex-Treasurer George Vaughn and "Unpaid Bills Report," developed by Gil Vela, former Member Services Coordinator. These documents are some of the tools to use to help with planning and executing the payment of bills as revenue is received.
- Director Jerald Linsley has introduced an accountant to the Executive Committee who may work with HAL.
First Vice-President, Rick Archibald
- Rick Archibald presented "HAL-PC [membership] & HALNet Statistics", 04/01/2010, like, "Email is up a bit."
- Several groups will be using HAL-PC's facility: A group of female accountants on May 20, 2010, and the SANS Institute want to use SIG Room C starting in September over a 10-week period.
Vice President Programs, Sibley Cooley
- Sibley Cooley is working several projects that have the potential for putting money in HAL-PC's treasury.
- Sibley went to PacWest to inventory HAL-PC's personal equipment there as required by the Harris County Appraisal District.
Vice-President Communications, Robert Spotswood
- Robert Spotswood had nothing to report.
Ad Hoc Real Estate Committee--John Furby reported that RM Crowe has taken over negotiating with the Japanese Society for their wanting the "extra space" that HAL currently has.
Ad Hoc Colocation Committee--John said we have the [Net Star] motion and The Aldridge Company (TAC) has submitted a bid for Managed Services. [See Old Business.]
IV.Old Business
- The following motion was tabled on March 25, 2010:
"Motion to approve Net Star Telecommunications, Inc. as Colocation Partner as follows:
WHEREAS, the HAL-PC AD HOC Committee was formed to find a co-location vendor for our ISP,
WHEREAS, the Colo Committee evaluated nine possible vendors over a two-month period,
WHEREAS, co-location would save HAL-PC approximately $5,000 per month in expenses,
RESOLVED, the Net Star Telecommunications, Inc be approved our co-location vendor."
- Rick Archibald moved to take the motion from the table; seconded by Sibley Cooley, the motion passed. John Furby said that "with the Managed Services bid we have another option besides colocation." A discussion on parlimentary procedure ensued about Old Business and New Business and calling a special Board meeting to compare the TAC bid with a bid on managed services to be requested from Net Star. Sibley moved to lay the Net Star motion back on the table and have a special Board meeting to examine the relevant topics in the new proposal and come back to present them at time to be determined by the president. Jim Story seconded and the motion passed. The date of May 6 at 7:00 p.m. was selected.
- Several directors asked to hear from several TAC employees who were present to explain the Managed Services bid. Jim Story made a motion to suspend the rules to hear from them. Patrick Wiley, Executive Vice President, described the bid as all new equipment in a Managed Virtual Environment, with managed off-site Backup. To migrate would be a 30-day process. Downtime would probably be 6 to 12 hours intermittent. Not at prime time.
- John Furby said that Postini would be required for every user because of spam with a free trial for 30 days. Instructions on Postini will be on the Website.
V. New Business
- John Furby asked for approval of Norman Crook's resignation. Jim Ward so moved, Sibley seconded, and motion passed.
- Annette Story moved Motion 1 on the Agenda. Jim Story seconded. After discussion the question was called by Sibley. Seven (7) were in favor; five (5) opposed; and one (1) abstained.
- Annette moved Motion 2 on the Agenda. Greg Brewer seconded. Jerald Linsley moved to amend that anybody higher than current rate have their rate reduced to current rate. Sibley seconded the amendment. Robert Spotswood, VP Communications, said that since we are having a special meeting in 2 weeks that is enough time to gather information to present then.
- Robert Gunn made a motion to adjourn. Rick seconded. John asked for those in favor which was 6 and all opposed was 6. Chair decides we will not adjourn. A second amendment was made where the chair is to appoint a committee to look into overcharges and report back at the Special BOD meeting in 2 weeks and to lay the motion with the amendment on the table was so moved by Sibley and seconded by Jim Ward. The motion passed. There were requests for information such as the number of clients for each DSL price.
- Meredith Foster asked again that when motions come before the Board that supporting documentation accompany the Agenda.
VI.Motion to adjourn was made by Rick Archibald, seconded by Jim Ward, and passed at 8:03p.m.
Next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2010.
Annette Story
HAL-PC Recording Secretary