HAL-PC Board of Directors
Houston Area League of PC Users
Minutes for April 23, 2013
Board of Directors Meeting
Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
4543 Post Oak Place
Houston, Texas77027
Annette Story | President |
| First V.P. |
John Furby | V.P. Programs |
Mike Wilson | V.P. Communications |
Jerald Linsley | Treasurer (absent) |
Andrew Nairn | Membership Secretary |
Greg Brewer | Recording Secretary |
Gail Reaben | Executive Committee |
Dennis Waltman | Executive Committee |
Bill Budell | Director (absent) |
Will Jameson | Director |
Jim Lavis | Director |
John Molson | Director (absent) |
Jim Story | Director |
Rubin Garza | Director |
- Call to order at 7:00
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Minutes for regular BOD meeting held on March 26, 2013.
Motion to delay approval of minutes by J. Furby, second by Gail Reaben PASSED
- Executive Committee Activities Report
- Report on Education by Kojo Idrissa
- Projector for SIG C
- Find new HAL-PC Facility.
- HCAD Business Personal Property Rendition due April 15, 2013.
- Director E-mail Facility
- Security
- Quickbooks – Someone is planning to move the functions of Office to Quickbooks.
- At issue is the date for the election. The president decided that the executive committee can set the date for the election instead of the Board.
- What access for each kind of user
- Job Descriptions – Annette would like for us all to write up descriptions of the jobs we do.
Motion to accept by A. Nairn, Second by J. Story PASSED
- Finance Report
- Available $41,170 as of 4/22/13.
- Penalty and interest on late IRS filing was refunded.
- Money being deposited is not always credited. Investigation is underway.
- Motion to accept by J. Story. Second by D Waltman. PASSED
Elections: Suggested date of June 22, 2013 by C. Caufield Election Committee chair
- Motion by G. Brewer that we ratify the date of election. Second by D. Waltman.
- John Furby proposed admendment that we accept the recommendation of the Election Committee. Second by A. Nairn. PASSED
- Motion: That we ratify the recommended date of the Election Committee of June 22, 2013. PASSED
- Discussion on changing the meeting day to Saturday.
- Motion: Change the meeting day to Saturday, May 25 at 1:00pm by J. Story. Second by R. Garza. PASSED
- Censure of President
- J. Furby took over as Chair.
- Issue was discussed.
- Motion: That we censure the president by D. Waltman. Second by B. Jameson. WITHDRAWN
- Motion: That we support the president and her actions to date by B. Jameson. Second by G. Reaben. PASSED
- A. Story resumed as Chair.
- Other Business
- Resignation of D. Waltman. Second by J. Story PASSED
- Email accounts. A. Story has spoken with staff on set up.
- Please prepare a job description.
- Status of Clear Lake.
As of today, we are on target both on schedule and tasks completed.
T.O.A. has been received. The move will be Saturday, April 27, 2013.
Our liability insurance coverage has been extended for the old location.
- Motion: Raise the cost for a cup of coffee to $.50 by J. Story. Second by A. Nairn. PASSED
- HAL now has 719 members. On March 1, there were 724 members.
NOTE: After the meeting, it was pointed out that the above numbers are incorrect. The minutes of the
meeting reflect what was reported; not what should have been reported.
- Adjourn at 9:06.